Holiday rental statistics

Revenue and occupancy in Malaga in 2021-2024

Historical gross sales figures

We generated +64% in gross income vs. the market average for the last 4 years.

Observe average quarterly income in EUR below.

Data provided by:

Statistical data by year

See the evolution of holiday rental gross income numbers per property size and per month for the last 3 years:

Historical occupancy rate

We have had an occupancy rate of +30% vs. the market average over the last 4 years.

See below the average quarterly occupancy.

Client Testimonials

More than 70 investors and property owners trust our service. Here are the stories of some of them.

Investment, Design & Management

Design & Management

Design & Management

Obtain your rental forecast

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Our concept is simple: to enable property investors and owners to delegate the management of their property, while obtaining the highest return possible.

That is why we take care of everything: from the property search and acquisition, renovation and decoration, photography and online marketing, to the reception of tenants, cleaning and maintenance. All of this with our own staff, without subcontractors.

We operate on the Costa del Sol, in Spain.

Fill in this form and we will get in touch with you or reach us by email

Costa del Sol: Malaga, Torremolinos, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, Mijas, Marbella. More locations are coming soon.