Holiday rental statistics in 2024

Revenue and occupancy in Malaga.

Holiday rental income in Malaga

We generated +51% more income than the market average in 2024.

Observe revenue and occupancy rates statistics for tourist apartments managed by REMS vs. other property managers.
Check the income details depending on the size of the property:

Income from 4-bedroom apartments

REMS Occupancy.

Properties managed by REMS.
Revenue difference between REMS and the market average.
+ 0 %
Properties managed by the rest of the market.

Market occupancy.

Monthly income

Average gross revenue from 4-bedroom apartments in EUR.

Income from 3-bedroom apartments

REMS Occupancy.

Properties managed by REMS.
Revenue difference between REMS and the market average.
+ 0 %
Properties managed by the rest of the market.

Market occupancy.

Monthly income

Average gross revenue from 3-bedroom apartments in EUR.

Income from 2-bedroom apartments

REMS Occupancy.

Properties managed by REMS.
Revenue difference between REMS and the market average.
+ 0 %
Properties managed by the rest of the market.

Market occupancy.

Monthly income

Average gross revenue from 2-bedroom apartments in EUR.

Income from studios and 1-bedroom apartments

REMS Occupancy.

Properties managed by REMS.
Revenue difference between REMS and the market average.
+ 0 %
Properties managed by the rest of the market.

Market occupancy.

Monthly income

Average gross revenue from studios and 1-bedroom apartments in EUR.

Average occupancy

Properties managed by REMS.

Properties managed by the market.

Occupancy by month

We achieved an occupancy rate of +17% more than the market average in 2024.
See below the average occupancy rates per month.

Obtain your rental forecast

We will contact you to evaluate your potential revenue and provide you with all our service details.

More statistics​​

As a result to our quality-focused positioning, in the past 3 years our holiday rentals outperformed the market by an average of +69% on the revenue and +35% on the occupancy.

More statistics​​

As a result to our quality-focused positioning, in the past 3 years our holiday rentals outperformed the market by an average of +69% on the revenue and +35% on the occupancy.